Character Interview with Jackie Dickson – Yankee Tenacity / Mayson-Dickson Two


yankeetenacity_webInterview Jackie Dickson – The Northern Sister

Thank you for hosting me today. My name is Jackie Dickson and I’m the featured character in Jocie McKade’s Mayson-Dickson Investigations cozy mystery series.

That sounds intriguing, why Mayson-Dickson?
That was not my idea, in fact, I hate the name. It was apparently picked by my father, a man I never knew existed.

Wait, your dad picked your name, but you didn’t know him?
That’s correct. I received a letter summoning me to a law office in Washington, D.C. Little did I know that day would change my entire life. I was introduced to a woman that was supposed to be my sister, my twin sister, can you imagine?

You have a twin sister you didn’t know about? 
Apparently. But I have my doubts that we are sisters. I mean the woman is an annoying redneck from Alabama. She swaddles herself in pink and wears, oh man, she wears a NASCAR hat. I think she’s fixed grits a few times too, I can smell them.

What brought you together? 
A bullet. Yeah, blunt I know, but I’m from Boston it’s how we are. The day we met in that lawyer’s office, a sniper took the man out. Damn, it was ugly. He did manage to utter some strange message that we are working on. Jocie, our author says that will be worked out in book two – maybe.

We were given new identities and told to head to a new location. The next thing we know, there’s a dead body washing across Emme and we are tangled up in a murder investigation.

Why were you given new identities? 
Hell if I know, it had something to do with our parents. Apparently, they were both involved in some bad-ass government black ops work and, man, this is hard to talk about. They split up to protect us. At least, that’s what little bit we were told before that sniper bullet took out our only source of information. In spite of not really liking each other, we are working together to find out the truth about our parents.

So, in the middle of all this, you two start at PI firm? 
Why not? We are really good at solving murders and using our PI credentials is a great way to investigate our parents.

Tell us about those delicious men in your new life. 
First there is Fender, he came with the new house. He is a beach bum that lives in the cottage and is the caretaker, but I suspect he is more than that. The man is nothing I would ever have even given a second glance too in Boston. Here, however, I don’t know maybe it’s the beach air, but I’m having a hard time keeping my distance.

Then there is Agent Chris Meechum working locally on assignment for the FBI. He is a true pain in Emme’s ass. The man dogs her like a puppy. I think we drive him crazy, it’s kinda fun.

And then we have Zack, we sort of inherited him and he is proving to be very valuable.

Plus there is, what? What? Jocie is giving me that annoying throaty thing, you know when you need to shut up. I don’t know why she can’t just say ‘shut up’. I think that crazy Southern sister of mine is getting to her.

If you’d like to know more, just head over to Amazon and snag a copy of Yankee Tenacity Mayson-Dickson Book Two.

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