Blurred Lines: Reasons Why Your Child Might Be Struggling to Read


Learning to read is the first enormous milestone in any child’s life. When this skill doesn’t come naturally through the learning process at school, parents and educators must come together to problem-solve and address the issue early and adequately. Usually the child will be experiencing either a physical or motivational issue that is blocking the natural development of reading skills.
Blurred Lines Reasons Why Your Child Might be Struggling to Read
Vision Problems
The most glaring physical problem that could impact reading development is a vision problem. Parents should take their child yearly to an optometrist like All About Eyes for an exam to make sure that their educational efforts are not hindered by eyesight. The solution could be as simple as a pair of glasses.

Learning Difficulties
Issues with learning have become simpler to diagnose and treat over time, however the signs are not always obvious at first glance. Parents are their child’s best advocate and if something feels off, they should address the teacher and the pediatrician to have an evaluation performed. Dyslexia and ADHD are common issues that can hinder the development of reading skills, and are treatable through behavior therapy and medication.

Lack of Motivation
Children like to live up to expectations. Having high standards for your child is critical, since without them, your student will be less likely to thrive. If your child is struggling to meet the school’s standards, evaluate the modeling you have shown your child. What is the importance you place on school, and how do you demonstrate that to your child? Create an attitude of positivity and encouragement for any school-age child, and you will see positive results.

Lack of Foundation
If a young reader is struggling to learn, the first thing a teacher should consider is whether they possess an adequate foundation on which to build. To develop reading skills, your child needs adequate understanding of the alphabet, letter sounds, and phonics, just to begin. If these skills are lacking, they must be re-taught. Your child may simply require extra tutoring and practice.

When your child struggles, guilt frequently becomes a parent’s burden. You feel as though it must be your fault, something you did, or haven’t done. This guilt is usually unfounded. More likely than not, a consultation between you and your child’s teacher will result in a list of potential causes and solutions. Create a plan, and work through it together. Take your child for a physical examination, consider learning issues they might have, and ask the teacher to check for learning gaps. It may not be easy, but remain positive, encourage your child, and remind them that your affection does not depend on educational progress.