Writer’s Woman Cave: A Glimpse Inside the Home of Sheila Clover English

One of the many themes in my Woman Cave. Note the very cool typewriter collection.
One of the many themes in my Woman Cave. Note the very cool typewriter collection.

Some may call the room “busy” or even “cluttered” though it’s quite clean and organized.  It even has designated themes!  I call it my “woman cave” and set out to turn our spare room into something that could be just mine.  I can write there in my big overstuffed recliner, under the light of my dragonfly Tiffany lamp, inspired by my antique typewriter collection.

When I started putting it together I knew I wanted to the room to make me smile and encourage me to be creative.  I wanted it to be mine alone, which may sound selfish, but in all fairness, I did give up the renovated basement to my husband for his man cave (a.k.a. comics, hockey and technology groom).

Splashes of red, my favorite color, and the color of love!

I love the color red so I specifically put splashes of red throughout the room.  I love steam punk and dedicated an entire wall to that theme.  My cousin Karen created this amazing mask for my steam punk room and a very cool suitcase that hangs on the wall.  My best friend Domini got me a beautiful steam punk heart clock and my my other best friend Chris got me a steam punk hat.  The antique phone that is among my steam punk items is actually a real phone, though it isn’t in use.  It belonged to my great grandmother, Nancy Rusconi and she actually used it when she was young.  It was her first phone.  One day I’ll have to put my first iphone up next to it I guess, just as a comparison.

My prize antique typewriter collection is the main display on the steam punk wall, but I have other typewriters scattered around the room as well.  One typewriter is nested among my peacock items.  I love peacocks and have a corner just for that theme.  And one is on an antique, metal, black and white dresser that holds many items full of memories, plus my scarfs and hats.

I have a big red recliner that I sit in when I write or read or just want to have a few quiet moments to myself.  The only other chair in the room is a beautiful antique rocking chair.  That chair was featured in a popular web series I did called Before the Dark.  Look for it in episode 3!  I have one of those small electric fireplaces.  I love fireplaces and enjoy both heat and the pretty fake fire.

The antique chair and warm fireplace are among many treasures in the room.

One entire wall is made up of what is called “primitives” here in the south where I live.  Some people also call it Americana.  I love the simplicity of it.  I have a wall dedicated to writing, reading and places I love and if you look at the pictures carefully you will note that I have a love affair with the Eiffel Tower.  I have been to Paris twice and actually walked down the stairs of the tower once.  Once was enough.  Trust me on this.  I have an even bigger love affair with Italy, but all those items are in my bedroom.   I also love London U.K. and have several items that say London on them.  I’ve been to London numerous times and love it more and more each time I visit.

Can you spot the Eiffel Towers?
Great Grandma’s first phone. I wish she were here to see my first iphone!

I have a few pictures of friends and family scattered about so that I feel surrounded by people who love me.   I’m not sure how I got teddy bears.  I never set out to collect them, but for some reason friends and family like to send them to me.  And since I am extremely sentimental, I keep them.

My steam punk wall part 1

Most people who know me well, or follow me on Facebook, know that I have a love of animals, primarily dogs, though I love cats, birds and even reptiles.  I do have a few dog themed items in my Woman Cave but the majority of my dog collection is in the bedroom.

The simple life. Some call it “Primitive” some call it “Americana” I call it…mine!

I have a few special pens and writing implements as well as heirlooms scattered about.  The things that give me joy are those that stir memories, encourage creativity or remind me the important things in life like friends and family, hope and courage.

My Woman Cave is my time machine, my meditation room, my writing room and my rejuvenation room.  If I could just fit an espresso machine in there it would be PERFECT!!


Sheila Clover English is the author of a non fiction book about marketing and book trailers as well as a fantasy, scifi, YA, romance and horror writer.