Augmented Reality Coming for Halloween


Remember as a kid, when you were dared to say “Bloody Mary” three times in front of a mirror? Well, you might not want to do that if you happen to be reading Goosebottom Books newest release, Horrible Hauntings. In this latest retelling of classic old ghost stories, the ghosts actually come to life in “augmented reality.

In a collaboration between Shirin Bridges, Goosebottom Books founder and William Maughan, illustrator the ghosts “triggered by a companion app”, come to life in 3-D.

Point your phone or tablet at the pages within Horrible Hauntings and Bloody Mary, or the Headless Horseman will come back to life. Head over to their Youtube video to learn more.

From Goosebottom’s website: 

“This exciting new book brings to life—quite literally—ten famous hauntings from the annals of history. Using interactive augmented reality to enhance the images on the pages, readers are able to see and interact with 3-D ghosts, which appear to come alive and can be manipulated by the viewer.

Luscious illustrations of famous historical hauntings introduce readers to some of the most notorious and chilling ghosts throughout the ages. The Headless Horseman, the Flying Dutchman, Bloody Mary, the Amherst Poltergeist, and the Princes in the Tower are some of the eerie apparitions that inhabit this book in a totally new way as readers interact with the illustrations on the pages.”

A book where things really do go bump off the pages.