Where to find us in the great e-universe


I can’t believe how huge the internet has become. I remember being in awe of Yahoo! Mail, and Google Search! Now, with social networks, user-generated video upload and user-generated news the world has opened up, and at the same time, shrunk!

I have blogs here, there and everywhere. I find I designate a blog for certain topics. My blog on Tagworld is more personal, my blog on LiveJournal started out very personal and now it is more about videos. I feel like I have multiple personalities! LOL

COS is out there in the great e-universe. YouTube, MySpace, TagWorld, Veoh, Grouper and more. We are on over 150 sites!! Not all of them have blogs, but they all allow us to upload video. If you’re on ANY other social network, try looking us up using – cosproductions as your search or “book trailers”. Though, I see a lot of people using the term “book trailers” (A COS registered trademark term btw), it’s actually very cool to me that after all these years we’ve finally managed to make the term “Book Trailer” a common household term. THAT was not an easy thing to do!

Here’s hoping you find us out in there, but if you don’t, you can always count on us being right here at home…on www.cosproductions.com or on www.readersentertainment.com
